In my writing for business I avoid the word “philosophy” whenever possible. Of course, some philosophers reveal brilliant insights in…
Decades of consultant programs and textbooks have trained those of us in business to assume that anything worth learning can…
It has been mystifying for me how respect for experts has waned over the past decade. Bringing in experienced people,…
A recent Twitter thread pondered why so few companies dedicate much effort to determining the best price for their products.…
Bloomberg retail columnist @sarahhalzack passed along an article about an “experiential” restaurant in New York whose gimmick is that you catch your own trout…
The following relies on thinking outlined in my posts on Amazon’s overall finances, their retail reality, and the latest Amazon Q3 results. I’m fortunate…
Companies spend millions creating innovative products hoping to build a secure future. Then most often they introduce those products to market…with ineffective communication. These days…
When it comes to innovative products, DirecTV is a fascinating case study. In the mid 1990s, I was part of…
An odd digital disease has run rampant among mass retailers for the last couple of decades – let’s call it “Amazon Panic”. (Professor…
I’ve been fascinated by the success of Android based phones, their amazing growth curve, and the ability of the press…